We are not meant to be alone as Christ-followers. At Columbia, groups offer a place to connect with a small community of people who will care for you, encourage you in your faith journey, and connect you to the broader church community. Groups are designed to help you unpack the weekly sermon and discern ways God is inviting you to live out your faith.
If you're just starting your faith journey, have questions about God, Jesus, and the Bible, or are returning to church after a long time away, Columbia Start is a great group for you! Click here to learn more.
Groups meet in homes around the DC Metro area and at Columbia. They're designed to gather people together during normal life rhythms, like meal times, evenings after work and school, Sunday mornings, or areas of affinity so it's simple to connect.
In most groups you can expect to participate in a discussion around the weekly sermon topic, share about your life and hear about others' to notice where God is at work, and be encouraged to pray for people in the group. There are also topic specific Bible studies and groups that gather around a common interest (affinity).
Click on a location to see what groups are gathering in that area and express interest in connecting to a group.
Interested in the idea of a group but want some more information? Fill out the Connect to a Group form and someone will be in touch!
Do you like to gather people together around a meal or a common interest? You could be a great group host! We would love to equip you to host a group.
Group hosts are men and women who open their home to a small group of people for a weekly gathering around their table. They have a desire to connect with people and encourage them in their faith journey.
Hosts serve as a mentor and point of contact for the group. They encourage the group to build relationships, care for one another, and facilitate group connections to Jesus, each other and Columbia through supplied sermon based material.
Want to gather a group at a time and location that works for you?
Awesome! They are SIMPLE to start! We provide all the sermon-based discussion materials and equip you as a host.
Invite 2-3 friends.
Groups are intended to be small! Once you have a few, pray and invite a few more to join! The perfect group size is 6-12.
Pick a location and time slot.
Could be your home, your office, your apartment complex's party room, favorite coffee shop, your gym -- the sky's the limit! Meals or evenings after work and school are natural gathering times.
Let us know you're interested in hosting.
We'll equip you as a host and get you access to the sermon-based materials!
Looking for a church but not sure where to turn? We want to help you find a home. Columbia is dedicated to helping everyday people grow in Christ and become whole-life disciples. Join us on Sunday mornings or reach out to us today!
103 W. Columbia Street
Falls Church, VA 22046
Sundays in-person & online 9:30 & 11:15AM
Call us today: 703-534-5700