We are successful because of our families. The school-home collaboration is an integral part of a child's early education. We value the insight parents offer into their child, and strive to build strong connections that support the child’s growth. From reading to your child's class to attending a Parent Seminar, there are a number of ways that you can get involved and demonstrate that education is important.
While this page offers helpful information to support families during the school year, please reach out to your child’s teacher or a member of the Leadership Team.
Our Parent Partner Team consists of volunteer parents who help to coordinate activities here at Columbia. The Parent Partners work to support the CDC by promoting the involvement of parents and other family members. The team encourages communication, provides school wide information, fosters cooperation, and organizes/supports CDC events.
The Columbia Child Development Center follows the licensing guidelines for nutritional content and serving size to ensure that all students are served appropriate amounts for their dietary needs. All food is cooked on-site. All students enrolled for the full day program receive lunch, morning and afternoon snacks. If your child has food allergies, an alternative will be provided.
Virginia Health Form (We require all vaccinations that are recommended by the American Association of Pediatrics. These records must be submitted before your child's first day of attendance.)
Medication Authorization Form (Physician signature required for non & physician prescribed medication kept in-school long-term)
Non-Prescription OTC Skin Product Authorization Form
Looking for a church but not sure where to turn? We want to help you find a home. Columbia is dedicated to helping everyday people grow in Christ and become whole-life disciples. Join us on Sunday mornings or reach out to us today!
103 W. Columbia Street
Falls Church, VA 22046
Sundays in-person & online 9:30 & 11:15AM
Call us today: 703-534-5700