June 16th- Aug 15, 2025

Registration is now OPEN! Click here to register.

If you are in need of more weeks, please add yourself to the waitlist. As spots open up, we will reach out to those on the waitlist.

A few quick details about camp: 

Your child is eligible to attend Camp Columbia if they fall between having completed Kindergarten (rising 1st) through completed 6th grade.

Tuition is $380 per week per child, unless otherwise noted on the registration portal. 

Camp Columbia's hours are 8:00am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday. *We will be closed in observance of federal holidays on Thursday, June 19th and Friday, July 4th.

Our goal is to provide children with a fun, safe camp experience where they can learn of God's love, form lasting friendships, and build self-confidence.

Each week is filled with special themed projects including art, cooking, sports, science, field trips, and special guests.

Camp registration includes lunch, two snacks, a t-shirt, and special activities each week.

We can't wait to meet you or see you for another season. This year we are offering more spots and our spaces have been renovated!
Questions? Please email us at   


Due to the high demand of spots at Camp Columbia, weeks will be non-refundable.

Please carefully consider your summer schedule before registering with us and only register for weeks you are certain your child will attend.

Tuition for camp sessions, whether paid in part of full, are non-refundable. If you find that your camper will not be able to attend a session for which they are registered, your camper's session may be handled in one of two ways:

1. You may transfer your camper's session to another child on the waiting list. 

2. You may transfer your camper's session to another child in your personal network who will take your camper's place.

In either case, the child taking your camper's session must be eligible to replace them on the same team and on the same week.

A fee of $30.00 will be assessed for each transfer, and the remaining balance will be refunded. 

We are currently Hiring! Apply Here today.

+16 Assistant Leaders

+18 Lead Counselors


  • What is the cancellation policy for Camp?


    Due to the high demand of spots at Camp Columbia, weeks will be non-refundable.

    Please carefully consider your summer schedule before registering with us and only register for weeks you are certain your child will attend.

    Tuition for camp sessions, whether paid in part of full, are non-refundable. If you find that your camper will not be able to attend a session for which they are registered, your camper's session may be handled in one of two ways:

    1. You may transfer your camper's session to another child on the waiting list. 

    2. You may transfer your camper's session to another child in your personal network who will take your camper's place.

    In either case, the child taking your camper's session must be eligible to replace them on the same team and on the same week.

    A fee of $30.00 will be assessed for each transfer, and the remaining balance will be refunded. 

  • How is faith a part of the Camp?

    Children and families of all faith backgrounds are welcome at Camp Columbia! Children will hear stories from the Bible, be invited to pray before meals, and learn Scripture each week. Our faith informs all our decisions and is most prominently displayed in the way we treat others.

  • What should my child bring to Camp?

    A water bottle and closed-toed shoes! Campers are also welcome to bring a backpack or bag to keep their personal belongings. Families will be notified by the Camp Columbia Director Team if campers need to bring additional items to Camp for field trips or other activities.

  • What should my child NOT bring to camp?

    Please leave electronics, cameras, expensive items, and trading cards (including Pokemon cards) at home. If any of these items are brought to Camp, they will be held onto by the Director Team until the camper’s parents arrive to pick them up that day. Campers ARE allowed to bring personal items from home like books, crafting supplies, and small toys to use during certain times of the day. Camp Columbia is not responsible for lost, broken, or stolen items.

  • What meals and snacks are provided at camp?

    Camp Columbia provides two snacks and a lunch every day. You can find the menu for the month on the parent resource page. It is also sent out each week in the Camp Columbia parent newsletter and can be found on our site. Families are more than welcome to send their own food with their child due to allergy, dietary restriction, or preference. Please keep in mind that we are a nut-free facility, so please do not send nuts of any kind with your child to Camp.

  • My child is wait-listed for several weeks, how do you fill spots from the wait-list?

    If you register for the waitlist and your campers turn comes up to join the camp, we will contact you to confirm that you would, in fact, still like to join the camp. There is no official date that we cut off waitlist movement, as we could contact you at any point up until the Thursday before the session begins.

  • When do I need to send in my health forms and POI?

    Please upload or drop off your latest Virginia Health Form and any allergy forms via email, campbrain account or drop off in person by May 2nd. Proof of identification document must accompany the application of each new camper. If you do not wish to send the proof of identity original document via email, please bring it to the office. A staff member will fill out a verification form and hand the document back to you. This verification is due no later than May 2nd. 

  • Grouping

    While we will make every effort to honor mutual grouping requests, we cannot guarantee them. Our children are grouped according to their current grades and we appreciate your understanding as we try to meet all the requests.

  • Religiously Exempt

    Camp Columbia operated by Columbia Baptist and located at 103 West Columbia Street, Falls Church,

    Virginia 22046, has filed the required documentation for exemption as a child day center that is

    operated or conducted under the auspices of a religious institution pursuant to Section 22.1-289.031 of

    the Code of Virginia.

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