We believe disciples are transformed to become more like Jesus through truth, community, practices, and the Holy Spirit. So Discipleship Courses aim to help our church interact with the Bible to discern God’s truth, develop meaningful relationships with one another, learn practical skills in ministry and Christian living, and experience growth and transformation through the Holy Spirit.
COLUMBIA WAY - An Introduction to Columbia
The on demand course is always available
The next Q&A luncheon is on Sunday, August 13th at 12:45 pm
If you love the community, worship, and preaching at Columbia and want to learn more about us,
Columbia Way is the course for you! Columbia Way is the online, on demand course that explains who we are - our mission, ministries and discipleship model. It will help you identify some next steps in your faith journey and ways to engage at Columbia, and is an important part of the membership pathway. The course is always available online. We regularly host Sunday Q&A Luncheons with Dr. Jim Baucom and Pastor Kris Clifford to provide you the opportunity to get to know us and ask any remaining questions as the in person component of the course. The next luncheon is on Sunday, August 13th, at 12:45 pm.
Marriage is an adventure. It helps to have a guide.
If you are engaged, considering engagement, or newly married (5 years or less), then please join us for this 6 week class. Topics of focus will include: finances, intimacy, faith, conflict resolution, communication and more. This class seeks to equip couples with Biblical principles, Godly wisdom, and practical tools for cultivating strong marriages. All couples planning to be married at Columbia must take this class.
Looking for a church but not sure where to turn? We want to help you find a home. Columbia is dedicated to helping everyday people grow in Christ and become whole-life disciples. Join us on Sunday mornings or reach out to us today!
103 W. Columbia Street
Falls Church, VA 22046
Sundays in-person & online 9:30 & 11:15AM
Call us today: 703-534-5700