Columbia's Child Development Center, (CDC) has been serving children and families in the community since 1969. We embrace a joyful, developmentally appropriate approach to early childhood education and care that is rooted in our belief that every child is wonderfully made to learn through creating, exploring, questioning, and in relationship with friends and respectful adults. Our work is rooted in our Christian faith, a partnership with parents and inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach.

Please call us for current openings for the 2024-2025 school year. 


Call: 703-534-5739



Learn More About Our Preschool


We are successful because of our families. The school-home collaboration is an integral part of a child's early education. We value the insight parents offer into their child, and strive to build strong connections that support the child’s growth. From reading to your child's class to attending a Parent Seminar, we look forward to partnering with you to make preschool a positive learning experience. 

While this page offers practical information on our Center and admissions process, please explore the entire website and contact us if you have additional questions. We thank you for your interest in our Center.


Our teaching philosophy at Columbia Baptist Child Development Center is rooted first and foremost in the belief that all children are created by God and that every moment we spend with a child is a divine appointment. We are also influenced by the Reggio Emilia Approach. This approach of teaching and learning is rooted in the knowledge that children are full of curiosity, creativity and powerful ideas. Our curriculum is flexible and emerges from children’s ideas, thoughts, and observations. This way of working with children stands in contrast to more traditional teaching methods that view the teacher as the source of knowledge and children as empty vessels waiting to be filled by the teacher.

The following teaching and learning principles guide our work with young children

  • The Child as an Active Participant in Learning. We see each child as competent and full of potential. We take their ideas seriously. Children and teachers have opportunities to propose topics for explorations and make plans together, laying out how the explorations should progress. Sometimes the children’s ideas do not lead to the desired result, and they have to evaluate their initial plan with the support of the teacher and/or other children and try again. These child-initiated explorations provide opportunities for hands-on learning in various subjects, such as math, language arts, science, social science, music, artistic expression, engineering, technology, etc. Because these explorations stem from the children’s interests, the children are highly motivated and engaged.

  • The Importance of the Environment. The environment of the school is seen as the third teacher, after other children and adults (parents and teachers). The classrooms are welcoming and warm and are set up to encourage engagement and minimize distraction. Our indoor and outdoor spaces and materials are thoughtfully managed to enhance learning and discovery. We utilize a wide range of open-ended materials (i.e. objects that have multiple uses and infinite possibilities such as sand and pine cones) and strive to include as many natural materials as we can. Because the materials are open-ended, the children are encouraged to use them in creative ways.

  • Collaboration of the Teacher, Parents, and Child in the Process of Learning. We view the parents as the primary faith influencers of their child and the essential resources for the child's learning. To foster community, we host a variety of events throughout each school year, including conferences and special lectures for parents.

  • Documentation of Children's Activities to Make Learning Visible. Our teachers use a variety of documentation methods, such as cameras, video recorders, and written anecdotal notes, to track children's thoughts and ideas as they play together or work with materials. They then work with our resident artist to display work that children are particularly proud of in informative and attractive ways. Sometimes this excellent work is a social interaction that is retold through photographs alongside a written description of the event. Other times, panels are put together to show the progress of a tangible piece of work that is also carefully displayed. In viewing these works, children are inspired by the creativity of their peers and also have opportunities to reflect on the pieces that they worked on.

In essence, as a Reggio Emilia Approach inspired center, we believe that learning, including Biblical learning, must make sense from the child's point of view. We trust that if a child's learning is meaningful to the child, the learning is deeper and enduring.



Please contact the CDC office for current openings.

Contact us for Admissions for the 2024-2025 school year.



In mid January, the Returning Family Enrollment Form is emailed to current families. Current families have two weeks to complete this form in order to guarantee placement for the following school year. Submission of the enrollment form authorizes the Center to process the application fee through Kindertales.


Alumni families that do not currently have a child enrolled with us, are eligible to enroll a new child in January with returning families. To request the Alumni Family Enrollment Form please email



Applications not placed are put on the waitlist and the families will be contacted when an opening becomes available. We offer rolling admissions and maintain our waitlist throughout the school year.


  • What is the Admissions process?

    In January applications are accepted for the following school year.  Returning students, Alumni and Columbia Baptist Church members receive preference.  There is a $150 non-refundable application fee. For more details on the Admission process visit the Admissions page.

  • What is the waitlist process?

    The only waitlist that we carry is a waitlist for the school year that we are currently in, which runs from September to the end of August. For more details on the waitlist process visit the Admissions section.

  • What is the typical wait time for a child on the waitlist?

    The waitlist time varies from year to year and varies depending on the age level of the class.

  • If my child is waitlisted and not offered a spot during this calendar year, do I need to resubmit my application along with the application fee for the following school year? And, will the original waitlist date be applied?

    If your child is waitlisted for the current school and does not receive placement prior to the next Enrollment Season, you must re-apply and pay another application fee in order to be considered for the upcoming school year. (Ex. If your child is waitlisted for the 2023-24school year and never offered a placement, you must reapply and pay the application fee in order to receive a placement for the 2024-25 school year. The submission date of the previous application will be honored.


Call: 703-534-5739


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